Суперцунами в прошлом - как часто и когда они происходили?

Автор Alexy, ноября 12, 2008, 20:09:10

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Цитата: Alexy от октября 02, 2009, 20:28:18
Нек совсем понятно, что Вы хотели сказать? И кто такой Rolf?
Rolling On Floor Laughing
Означает, что написавший упал со стула от смеха.

По поводу астероидов и прочего космического мусора: он чаще падает в океан -- при этом в атмосфере оказывается меньше пыли, чем при ударе о сушу или мелководье, особенно если это комета, состоящая в основном из льда. Поэтому с высокой долей вероятности можно предполагать, что за последние 250 млн самые сильные цунами, порожденные импактом, были не при при K-T.


Geomorphology of storms and paleotsunami along Alam El Rom on the NW coast of Egypt
First name: Magdy
Last name: TORAB
Email: magdytorab@hotmail.com
Name of the organization: The Egyptian Society of Environmental Changes
Type of organization: Regional or local public administration
Brief description of the organization: One of the organizations working in the field of civil protection of the environment in Alexandria is interested in environmental activities, scientific, social, and most members of the young researchers in addition to the people of the King Mariot in Alexandria
Telephone: 00201002603250
Website: http://www.enpicbcmed.eu//http%3A/%252Fwww.envegypt.com/ecs/index.php
Location: Alexandria (Egypt)
Project title: Geomorphology of storms and paleotsunami along Alam El Rom on the NW coast of Egypt
Brief description of the project: An accumulation of boulder fields was discovered along the rocky coast of Alam El Rom area located east of Marsa Matruh city and west of Alexandria city of about 280km, on the Mediterranean coast of Egypt, in an area exposed to N and NW wave regime and cased natural hazards for local Bedouin people. This study measures the size, shape, position, pre-transport setting and long-axis orientation of 292 boulders found on 5 separated positions along the study area. We have investigated the megablocs on the study coastline, the volumes of the blocks have been calculated and main morphometric characteristics measured (orientation of the long axis, volume, distance from the coast etc.). The energy necessary to transport these blocks is presently being modelled. Present research suggests that the maximum number of blocs is around 12m3 and the maximum distance from the coastline around 45 m. We used wave transport equations as well as statistical analysis of boulders in order to determine both extreme events using the significant wave height and period of maximum observed storms and historical tsunamis along the study area as a part of The Egyptian Mediterrean Coast. These boulder fields were deposited by the sea waves during winter storms or by paleo tsunami mega waves and most of these boulders were uprooted from the marine platform and distributed within 55 m of the shoreline, are found up to 4 m above present mean sea level. Most boulders are rectangular, with sharp, broken edges, most blocks consist of limestone and sandstone fragments up to 14m3 in volume and 43 ton in weigh, some of these blocks were observed by local people to have moved after strong winter storms. The primary results show that both possible processes (storm and tsunami waves) can deposit these boulders, specially the Mediterranean coast of Egypt has recorded a number of seismic or tsunami events during the Holocene (tsunamis of 23 AD, 365 AD, 746 AD, 881 AD, 1202 AD, 1303 AD, 1870 AD and 1908 AD attested at Alexandria (east of the study are for about 290 km) for example by the archaeological excavations and historical sources.
Priority: Priority 2 - Promotion of environmental sustainability at the basin level
Measure: Priority 2 - Promotion of environmental sustainability at the basin level
Partners already involved: 1-The Egyptian Society of Environmental Changes, Egypt 2-Damanhour University, Egypt 3- Aix En Provence University & CEREGE, France. 4-Palermo University, Italy. 5-Bari University, Italy.
Partners searched: Some specialists of natural hazards and coastal geomorphology


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